It’s such a gardener’s “thing” to blame the weather for almost everything. “Too dry! Too wet! Too windy! Too cold!” But, both this year and last, these complaints were and are absolutely true. The recent rainfall should have helped a little although if there was a class for bindweed and ground elder I know that I, for one, would easily win a first.
If we’re not blaming the weather then other culprits are the slugs, the snails, the mice, the badgers (in my case) and pigeons carrying out aerial attacks on any green veg shoot that dares show it’s head (apart from said weeds of course).
Yet despite all this we are very confident that, knowing the gardeners of Rye, we shall see some outstanding entries this year and no doubt a fabulous assortment of baked goods, handicrafts and photographs.

We are just a couple of weeks away from the deadline for entering the show so pop outside and see if there is anything in the garden that might fit the bill in the way of veg, flowers, fruit or herbs or ideally all four.
Nurture them for a couple of weeks and join us on the 19th August to ensure the 2023 show is as successful as previous years.
If you can’t find anything outside then there are always classes for jams, jellies, pickles, handicrafts, photographs and baked goods to consider.
If you still can’t find anything suitable then just pop in during the afternoon for a cup of tea and admire other people’s hard work. We’d love to see you on the 19th.