The Show is open to everyone

1A fee of 50p per entry, under 18yrs are free.  
2Exhibits to be the bona fide property of the exhibitor with all fresh produce homegrown.  
3House plants must be exhibitors own for a minimum of 12 weeks prior to the show.  
4Exhibitors should not touch other entries, but request Steward’s help.  
5All awards are decided by judges whose decisions are binding and final.  
6Points will be awarded – 5 for 1st place, 3 for second place, 1 for 3rd place  
7Only one entry per class per exhibitor allowed.  
8All entries must be un-named to allow blind judging.  
9Entries must be removed immediately after 3.30pm.  
10The hall will be open to stage exhibits from 8.30am to 11.30. No  entries allowed after that.  
11The exhibition will be open to the public from 2.00pm.  
12The Organisers will not be responsible for damage to entries but all reasonable care will be taken with them.  
13Exhibitors must complete the entry form and submit it by 5pm on Friday 30th August. No extra entries will be allowed on the day.  
14Category winners will be announced at 3.30pm on the day of the show at which time the awards will be presented and exhibitors remove their exhibits.

Deadline for Entry

  1. Entry forms  must be submitted either electronically  from our website  with payment being made when you bring your exhibits, or delivered to Helena Hudd 19 Rope Walk Rye TN31 7NA  by 5pm on Friday 30th August 2024.
  2. No extra entries will be allowed on the day
  3. Cheques to ‘Rye Flower and Veg Show’. Cash welcome.
  4. All entries must be brought to the community centre and staged between 8.30am and 11.30am Saturday 31st August.
  5. Judging will commence at 11.30am sharp. Everyone except the judges, show secretary and stewards must vacate the hall by 11.30am.
  6. The exhibition will open to the public at 2.00pm when the results will be displayed
  7. Presentation of prizes will be at 3.30pm. Exhibitors will be asked to remove their entries immediately after the prize giving.