BlogNewsVeg Show

Best show ever?

A Fabulous 20th Anniversary Celebration

Some say that the recent Rye Flower & Veg Show was our best yet.  It was certainly very well attended on Saturday afternoon.  Hundreds of entries were on display at the Community Centre featuring the best from Rye’s vegetable gardens and allotments.  Even with the terrible start to the growing season with wet weather and low temperatures the tomato entries were better than ever along with the runner beans and giant squash.

It was also an excellent year for multicoloured dahlias which made a stunning display along with vases packed with garden flowers and the perfume of roses scenting the air.  

Home baked cakes, bread and brownies were lined up alongside a wonderful range of homemade chutney, jam and marmalade. 

The photographic entries were at record level too with the various titles (A Harvest, A Celebration, Rye’s Water, An Insect and a Film Title) equally well subscribed with some very talented images. 

The handicrafts were also popular and all of the entries were outstanding and really very clever.  There’s an awful lot of talent in Rye.

As organisers, we are incredibly grateful to our sponsors who are listed below and on our website and to the advertisers who support our schedule and also to those who volunteer who help on the day by setting everything up, stewarding and clearing up afterwards. 

We were also very happy to welcome Rye’s mayor Andy Stuart and his wife Mayoress Nicky Stuart along with Rye’s joyful town crier Paul Goring. Andy did a sterling job presenting all the certificates, cups and prizes, whilst Paul certainly made sure those passing the hall were in no doubt what was happening in the Community Centre.

But equally important to us are the competitors, without whom the show could not take place.  We know from personal experience how much hard work goes into growing wonderful flowers, fruit and vegetables and we are delighted that you bring them along to share.  We were delighted that Liz Bamji was one of front-runners this year and scooped several prizes including Overall Show Winner.  Congratulations Liz!

If you were inspired by this year’s show keep an eye on our website at for details of next year’s event.  We are always looking for anyone who might like to help with future shows.  You can contact us via the website.  A note for your diary – next year’s show will be on Saturday 30th August 2025.

Thanks once again

Lorna, Helena & Shelley

Photo credits Lorna Hall and Shelley Gibbon

Best entry in Fruit and Veg Class – Tate Trophy – Nigel Jennings

The RHS Banksian Medal – Sara Landers

The Turk Trophy sponsored by Rye Allotments – Liz Bamji

Veg and Fruit Classes sponsored by Sussex Foundation – Sara Landers

Flowers & Foliage Classes sponsored by Café des Fleurs – Liz Bamji

Cookery sponsored by Rush Witt & Wilson –  Shelley Gibbon

Photography sponsored by Rye Town Council  –  Caroline Drummond

Handicraft sponsored by Ethel Loves Me – KT Bruce

A Heritage Vegetable sponsored by Rye Heritage Centre – Helena Hudd

Longest Carrot in memory of Bill White – Dan Johnson

Fullerton Challenge Bowl for roses – Lorna Hall

Environmental collage sponsored by Rye News – KT Bruce

Small decorative Basket sponsored by Clive Sawyer – Lorna Hall

Film Title public vote sponsored by Clive Sawyer – Richard Gibbon

Most fragrant rose public vote – Liz Bamji

Best overall entry in the show – the Red Dragon tomatoes – Nigel Jennings

Heaviest Squash at 22.6kg  – Nigel Jennings

Funniest shape vegetable – Elsie Gibbon

Rye’s Water photo sponsored by Rock Channel Marine – Fiona Lepine

Overall show winner sponsored by Rye Garden Centre – Liz Bamji

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