We’ve had so much “weather” recently that the garden has been rather abandoned. Apart from a little hedge cutting, pruning and leaf sweeping I’m waiting for the new year before I really get going again.
We will also start planning for next years Rye Flower and Veg Show which will take place on Saturday 19th August 2023 at Rye Community Centre. If anyone has any ideas for new classes or photography titles or would just like to get involved we would be very pleased to hear them.
Meanwhile Helena and I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all the happiest Christmas and a peaceful and healthy new year. We’re really looking forward to catching up with everyone in 2023.
Some interesting little bits of December stuff
“O, wind, if winter comes, can spring be far behind?” Percy Bysshe Shelley
The 21st December, is the shortest day and the turning point of the year has just passed. Because of the historical importance of the date this was an important festival linked with fertility of the soil and the return of the sun. Also known as St Thomas’s Day, many traditions grew up regarding planting seeds. It was generally thought to be the perfect day (in the South East of England) to plant out your broad bean seeds.
Onion skins very thin, Mild winter coming in. Onion skins thick and tough, coming winter very rough.
check your onions!!!!
DECEMBER IN THE GARDEN – The holly and the ivy
Our holly trees were smothered with berries back in October which was thought of as a harbinger of a hard winter, but then we have loads of berries every year which never last to December – so maybe it’s just an old wive’s tale. The holly tree is thought to represent masculinity , steadfastness and holiness and is used as a decoration at Christmas to pressage the forthcoming sadness of Good Friday. Whilst Ivy was thought, by the ancient greeks, to be named after a young dancing girl who died after dancing for the gods at a feast. The gods turned her body into Ivy which embraces everything it touches. It is the female counterpoint to the masculine holly and unsurprisingly thought to be a symbol of unpredictability.