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With just a few days left before the Rye Flower and Veg Show 2024 it might be time to take a wander around your garden or allotment and see if you might have any potential entries for this year’s show. Apart from the regular veggie and flower entries you will find quite few quirky classes […]

I blame it on the weather!

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It’s such a gardener’s “thing” to blame the weather for almost everything. “Too dry! Too wet! Too windy! Too cold!” But, both this year and last, these complaints were and are absolutely true. The recent rainfall should have helped a little although if there was a class for bindweed and ground elder I know that […]


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“Summer afternoon, summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful in the English language” – Henry James Researching summer time gardening recently I came across this quote by Henry James that struck a chord. A familiar name to those who live in Rye, James came to live in Lamb House in […]