Best show ever?

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A Fabulous 20th Anniversary Celebration Some say that the recent Rye Flower & Veg Show was our best yet.  It was certainly very well attended on Saturday afternoon.  Hundreds of entries were on display at the Community Centre featuring the best from Rye’s vegetable gardens and allotments.  Even with the terrible start to the growing […]


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With just a few days left before the Rye Flower and Veg Show 2024 it might be time to take a wander around your garden or allotment and see if you might have any potential entries for this year’s show. Apart from the regular veggie and flower entries you will find quite few quirky classes […]


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It’s difficult to believe that it’s 20 years since our first show and it’s marvelous that the event has gone from strength to strength and is supported so well.  The entries have grown annually and we are delighted to welcome new faces each year. The class schedule is now online here on our website and […]

2023 – The best show yet!

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“The best show yet.  “So much colour!” “Inspiring.”   These are just some of the compliments we heard repeated by the entrants and visitors to the Rye Flower and Veg Show which took place on Saturday 19th August at Rye Community Centre.  The number of entries (311) exceeded all expectations and despite the slow start to […]


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EXCITING NEW SHOW CLASSES FOR EVERYONE If you missed the Rye Flower and Veg show last year, then you missed a treat.  With hundreds of entries the Community Centre was awash with a marvellous selection of locally grown fruit, vegetables and home baking, not to mention a great display of handicrafts and photography. The show […]